Tag Archives: New Years eve

Happy New Year

So here we are, emerging blinking into the bold year 2009, shaking off the hangovers and headaches of 2008 and looking eagerly forward to the year ahead…. or slowly draggin ourselves from one year into the next, desperately hoping this one isn’t as bad as the last. Whichever way you look at it (I’m somewhere in between those two extremes), we’re at the start of a new year. So happy New Year, and I hope you all had a good Christmas. Apologies for not writing over the festive period, but what with the festivities of the season, and Onion Girl coming down to stay with me for New Year, I didn’t have much chance to even check my mails, let alone write anything down!

Before I get into the predictable (unavoidable?) bit about “New Year Resolutions”, a brief update on what I read/saw/did over the festive season.

Reading: Currently reading The Fires of Heaven (book 5 in the Wheel of Time saga) by Robert Jordan, The Mighty Book of Boosh by Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt, and I started Twilight by Stephanie Meyer this evening – It has to be better than the film, right?.

Watching: I’ve re-watched Soldier, starring Kurt Russel (it’s the intellectual sequel to Blade runner apparently. It’s set in the same universe/timeline), watched The Day The Earth Stood Still (very good), Twilight (sorely dissapointing), and The Spirit (awful, just awful. Except for Samuel L Jackson dressed as a Nazi) at the cinema.

Doing: Drank a lot. For the first time ever, I got drunk on Christmas Day – Primarily because it was the first Christmas Day since I was old enough to drink that I didn’t have a hangover and it felt weird! New Years Eve was a messy affair, but not for me and Onion Girl. Jen (Goons missus) who was so wasted by midnight that she almost missed the countdown and had to be practically carried home by Goon ten minutes after. Larter drank too much Jagermeister on an empty stomach and was slumped on the floor vomiting on himself by 2am

Larter, trying to look cool, whilst insensible.

Apparently there was also some gay-bashing going on, girls were getting spat on, and other girls were crying. But then the house was rammed and we were all loaded, so I can’t make any claims on the veracity of those later occurences!

And so now on to the inevitable New Year Resolutions, those bright-eyed promises we all make to ourselves as we foolishly delude ourselves that this year we’ll get off our arses and do something!

1) Move out. I’m twenty-six, and still living at home with my parents. Onion Girl and I have already started looking at some places locally, so this one could be a winner!

2) Get into shape. Who doesn’t say this after the debauched consumption of December? I want to get down to 11 stone this year (not sure what that is to you Yankees), and stay there. I’m feeling the Christmas Paunch on my waistband at the moment…

3) Get a band gigging again. I miss being on stage so much, so this is my third resolution. I’m fed up with watching shit bands. i’m better than them, so I should be the one on stage!

There are some lesser ones, but they’re just the sort of thing that I chivvy myself along with on a daily basis, so they don;t really deserve a place on the list. I’ll keep you all informed of how well it goes!


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