Tag Archives: Wordpress app

WordPress apps and Wedding bells…

Somewhere between adding the new user accounts to a local domain, and realising that the sandwiches I brought with me for lunch to day are so stale that a starving Dog would refuse them, I decided to see if I could download an app for my N95 which would allow me to update this here blog directly. That is, without loading up the page in my tiny browser, and going through the rigmarole of writing a blog entry here in this standard format, and then trying to insert images and such… which I’m not even certain can be done from a phone browser!

However, after trawling the net for the last half hour, all I can find is something called Wavelog which wants to charge me $10 per month for the pleasure, and anoter called Scribe, which doesn’t want to charge me (which suits my empty bank account just fine) but also doens’t seem to work for me! So if anyone knows of a good N95 WordPress-updating app (preferably one they use themselves so I know it’s good!) let me know!

After realising I wasn’t going to find anything useful with my app search, I turned to Facebook – primarily because I can’t get MySpace to load at this site, and because no-one ever seems to do anything on Myspace any more – and saw that a friend of mine – Spam Turpin for those interested – had uploaded some wedding photo’s.

Now, I was fairly certain they weren’t her own, since I would at least have been notified she were getting married, even if I wasn’t invited. Plus it said “Cad and Brats Wedding”, and since her name’s Sam, and her other half is called Ollie… well, it’s a safe bet. So I begin to browse the album, noting with a fond smile that certain couples are still together, and noting with some pleasure that my ex has increased by at least two dress sizes since I last saw her (yes I know it’s petty and vicious, but even I am only Human! 😉 ), and then I come across a picture of the Bride. And I have to say I was actually stunned!

Out of all the girls I know/knew in that social group, she would have been one of the last I would have listed as getting married. Not through a lack of potential husbands (she’s tall, blonde, blue-eyed, slim, and an all-round good catch), but just because she’s always seemed too… well, free I suppose. She just never seemed particularly serious about things like that. And here she is, married! Just goes to show that anyone can be ensnared in that marital trap. Or that in fact she wasn’t as carefree and whimsical as I thought. Makes you wonder doesn’t it? When friends you’ve know for years start getting married and *shudder* popping out kids.

You start pondering who’ll be next. I fact, I find myself viewing the whole thing as a WW2 trench, with me and my chums around me, crouched in the relative safety of our relationships, wondering who’ll be the next to catch a marital bullet in the head, or matrimonial shrapnel in the gut. When will it be my turn to climb up that ladder, to go ‘over the top’ and make that headlong charge into no-man’s land?


Well, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll just be over here in this dugout….



Filed under geek, Life, Rant, Tech